Mon-Fri: 10:00am – 07:00pm
Sat: 10:00am- 05:00pm Sun: ClosedCat Services / Cat Bath / Cat Grooming Brooklyn
We provide Cat Baths in NYC. With 2+ outstanding Yelp reviews (Review us please). People have been trusting us since 2020 to walk their cats. And since 2015 to sit their cats, we have already seen numerous amounts of cat bathing, and are experts on watching for its signs by now.
Ever felt like you doubted thousands of years of evolution? And wanted to make sure your cat was actually really clean? Well look no further than our service. We use organic, natural, hypoallergenic , fragrance-free, soap-less and water-free materials! Let our expert team come in and monitor your cat’s beautiful , unique, spectacular normal cleaning cycle.